Cristian Bica

Software Engineer

I’m Cristian Bica, a software engineer working for in/PACT. I'm working with ruby, rails, web frontend, iOS, Objective-C / Swift.

  1. Howto: Using ActiveJob with queue_classic

    Here's how you can use activejob with a queue_classic backend. queue_classic is a queueing backend which users Postgresql as storage (and other stuff like listen/notify) so you'll need a Postgresql server so you can use queue_classic. 1. Create a new rails app (skip this if you're…

  2. Howto: Using ActiveJob with Delayed::Job

    Here's how you can use activejob with a Delayed::Job backend. Delayed::Job supports multiple adapter but the main one that is widely used is the ActiveRecord based one and I'm going to use it in this howto. 1. Create a new rails app (skip this if you're adding support…

    on rails, activejob, delayedjob

  3. Howto: Using Active Job with Sidekiq

    Here's how you can use activejob with a sidekiq backend. Sidekiq uses redis as a storage backend so you'll need a redis server instance running. 1. Create a new rails app (skip this if you're adding support for an existing app). $ rails new activejob-sidekiq 2. Add gem 'sidekiq' to your…

    on rails, activejob, sidekiq

  4. Howto: Using Active Job with Resque

    Here's how you can use activejob with a resque backend. Resque uses redis as a storage backend so you'll need a redis server instance running. For this howto I'm using a resque stable version (< 2.0). 1. Create a new rails app (skip this if you're adding support for…

    on rails, activejob, resque

  5. Begin

    So now that I got my 15 minutes of fame it seems appropriate that I should write a blog :) So I'll be writing here about software development, web, ruby on rails, JS/HTML/CSS stuff, iOS development, Objective-C and maybe Swift.…